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Stem Cell Controversy

Stem Cell Controversy


Stem cells are a type of cell that have the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They have been a subject of much excitement in the medical community for their potential to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. However, the use of stem cells has also been controversial, with debates ranging from the ethics of using embryonic stem cells to concerns over the safety and efficacy of stem cell therapies. In this article, we will explore the stem cell controversy and the different issues at play.

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that have the potential to develop into many different types of cells in the body. They are unique in their ability to self-renew and differentiate into specialized cells such as muscle cells, nerve cells, and blood cells. There are two main types of stem cells: embryonic stem cells, which are derived from embryos, and adult stem cells, which are found in various tissues throughout the body.

Embryonic Stem Cell Controversy

One of the most controversial issues surrounding stem cells has been the use of embryonic stem cells. Because embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos, their use raises ethical concerns among those who believe that it is unethical to destroy human embryos for research purposes. Opponents of embryonic stem cell research argue that it is a violation of human dignity and that alternative sources of stem cells, such as adult stem cells, should be used instead.

Proponents of embryonic stem cell research, on the other hand, argue that it has the potential to save lives and treat a wide range of diseases and conditions. They argue that the embryos used in research are often leftover from in vitro fertilization procedures and would otherwise be discarded. Additionally, they point to the success of embryonic stem cell research in developing treatments for conditions such as spinal cord injuries and macular degeneration.

Safety and Efficacy Concerns

In addition to the ethical concerns surrounding stem cells, there are also concerns over the safety and efficacy of stem cell therapies. While stem cell therapies have shown promise in treating a range of conditions, there is still much that is unknown about the long-term safety and efficacy of these treatments. Additionally, there have been cases of unregulated stem cell clinics offering unproven and potentially dangerous treatments to patients.

Regulatory Oversight

Because of the concerns surrounding stem cell therapies, regulatory oversight has become an important issue. In some countries, such as the United States, stem cell therapies are subject to regulatory oversight by agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration. However, in other countries, stem cell therapies may be offered without regulatory oversight, leading to concerns over patient safety and the legitimacy of the treatments being offered.


The stem cell controversy is a complex issue that involves ethical concerns, safety and efficacy concerns, and regulatory oversight. While stem cells have the potential to treat a wide range of diseases and conditions, there is still much that is unknown about the long-term safety and efficacy of these treatments. As research in this area continues to develop, it is important that regulatory oversight is strengthened and that scientific rigor is maintained in order to ensure that patients receive safe and effective treatments.

Stem cell controversy

“Stem cell controversy” refers to the ethical debate over the use of embryonic stem cells in medical research. Embryonic stem cells can be harvested from fetuses, which has caused controversy and objections from some people over this type of research, frequently on religious grounds. In the United States, stem cell controversy has led to a number of laws and court challenges.

In 1995, the United States Congress passed the Dickey Amendment. This legislation prohibited the federal Department of Health and Human Services from funding any research involving the destruction of human embryos. This legislation also prohibited this department from funding the development of embryos for research purposes.

This legislation remained in effect but was amended by several other laws addressing the stem cell controversy. In 1998, the discovery of human embryonic stem cells led the Clinton administration to reconsider its stance on funding of research involving stem cells. After reviewing the issue, the administration decided that the Dickey Amendment did not prohibit research involving human embryonic stem cells provided that obtaining them did not require destroying a fetus first. After George W. Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, his administration reviewed the stem cell controversy and decided to allow federal funding involving stem cells harvested from fetuses that had already been destroyed.

In 2005, Congress passed legislation designed to permit the harvesting of stem cells from frozen embryos in the custody of in vitro fertilization clinics, provided that the donors responsible for the embryos approved. However, this legislation was vetoed by president George W. Bush. During his presidency, George W. Bush’s position on the stem cell controversy led to several other bills attempting to allow more public funds for this type of research being vetoed.

In March of 2009, president Barack Obama issued an executive order removing the restrictions in the Dickey Amendment concerning federal funding using newly created human embryos. In response, a group of scientists filed a lawsuit challenging the executive order’s application. The suit was led by two scientists whose work only involved the use of adult stem cells. In their lawsuit, the scientists claimed that such funding would be in direct competition with the funding they required, making it impossible for them to complete their research. In 2010, they appeared in district court before Judge Lamberth, who issued a temporary injunction prohibiting such funding on the grounds that the scientists had a strong probability of winning their lawsuit.

The stem cell controversy continued when the ruling issued by Judge Lamberth was reversed on appeal by the federal government. The government argued since since federal funding is not applied to the destruction of embryos, the executive order was not in violation of the Dickey Amendment. The appellate court ruled in favor of the Obama administration and ordered Judge Lamberth to reverse his ruling. In July of 2011, Judge Lamberth did so despite his personal objection to the finding.